

People generally look forward to spring and the rebirth of nature.


But in the fullness of autumn, trees and plants have reached the height of their exuberance and the colours are sparkling.


In Le Clos de Chanchore, Laurent Lemoine has specifically endeavoured to emphasise the diversity of autumn colours.

Behind Polygonum polystachium, the arboretum
Behind Polygonum polystachium, the arboretum
Hydrangea Gertrude Glahn et acer "Orange Dream"
Hydrangea "Gertrude Glahn" and acer "Orange Dream"
Merisier, Savonnier et Tulipier de Virginie dans leurs couleurs automnales

Acer aconitifolium, Pyrus pendula salicifolia and acer pensylvanicum
Acer aconitifolium, Pyrus pendula salicifolia and acer pensylvanicum
Le quercus palustris
Quercus palustris


Zoom on some Paniculata in autumn colours in Le Clos de Chanchore