

Who doesn’t know the yellow daylily?


But what can we say about those which have various shapes of calyx and subtle colours?


More than a hundred collector's daylilies punctuate and enliven the flowerbeds at Le Clos de Chanchore.


Hémérocalle 'Le Clos de Chanchore'

We are very proud and honored that the name of our garden   'Le Clos de Chanchore' has been given by Guénolé Savina -Les Hémérocalles de la pointe to one of his 2016  créations.

Thanks a lot!

Hémérocalle 'Keriel's Prune Velvet'
Hémérocalle 'Keriel's Prune Velvet'
Hémérocalle 'Les Jardins du Botrain'
Hémérocalle 'Les Jardins du Botrain'

Hémérocalle 'Keriel'Spotted'
Hémérocalle 'Keriel'Spotted'

Hémérocalle 'Lydie'
Hémérocalle 'Hot Wire'

Hémérocalle 'Lydie'
Hémérocalle 'Lydie'

Hémérocalle El Desperado
Hémérocalle El Desperado